Tuesday, April 14, 2020

VSCO: Communication Through Images

VSCO is an app that was created in 2012 by a company called ‘Visual Supply Company’. Basically, VSCO “is a photography app where you can create an account and upload or take photos, edit and add filters, and share them with other VSCO users or on other social media sites.” Many users post a link to their VSCO in their instagram bios. Further, many people in younger generation view this platform as a place to post for scandalous and controversial photos. 
When the app was first released it was primarily used solely as an editing app (mostly to apply different filters to photos). It was common for people's “profiles” to be set to only allow the account user to see the images, more of a personal photo gallery than a social media account. But over time the apps popularity grew, as did the need for the younger generation to share their information.  
Yet, Unlike instagram and almost every social media platform, VSCO doesn't have likes and until recently, comments either. It is simply just a way to share photos. You would think this would make it safer for younger people, when in fact it has done the opposite. With no way to receive any feedback, people feel more comfortable putting themselves out there (probably because there is no way to receive any negative comments, at least over the internet).

I feel like the original purpose of this app has been lost, and at this point VSCO is only adding the negative connotations that stem from social media. Everybody warns people about being judged negatively based on your online profiles, but maybe the fear of being judged is the driving factor behind people censoring their content at all.  

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