Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Apple’s Next Great Idea: CarPlay

Apple’s latest and greats no product is actually not a product at all. It is a service that is installed in the user's care and connects to their phone. Apple says “CarPlay is a smarter and safer way to use your iPhone in the car — allowing you to stay focused on the road.” CarPlay allows users the ability to get directions on the cars dashboard monitor in addition to making calls, sending and receiving messages, listening to music, and with a little hack, sometimes even using the monitor to watch Netflix or play games from the users phone (only while the car is parked of course). 
With the new IOS 13, CarPlay allows users to have a simpler and more accessible view of the road ahead. It also provides users with a single place to keep track of Maps, audio controls, and Siri Suggestions, which provide easy access to things like your Calendar events. CarPlay “can even take control of your HomeKit accessories, like door openers.”
This revolutionary invention from Apple has not only changed the way people travel, but it has created a way for people to literally never need to go offline again. Before, the only time, aside from sleeping, that you couldn’t be connected is when you were driving... until now. Text messages and any other notification you get on your phone, will now come through the car. Apple virtually eliminated the problem of texting and driving because CarPlay is almost entirely voice controlled. Both hands can stay on the wheel, and so can a majority of the users attention. 
I think this is a terrific invention, that can mostly go under rated until tried. I fully support this and I can’t think of a single downside to this service. If nothing else, it will reduce the number of accidents that would have been caused from texting and driving. Everyone on the road is safer because of CarPlay.

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